
OIA NTOU 國立臺灣海洋大學 國際事務處

申請文件 Application Package

Application for NTOU Internal Screening Interview
  1. 海洋大學申請文件確認單 Application Checklist
  2. 學生赴國外短期研修申請表 Application
  3. 自傳(請參考範例)  Autobiography (Please view the reference.)
  4. 讀書計畫(請參考範例Study Plan (Please view the reference.)
  5. 身分證/居留證正反面影本(請影印於同一張A4白紙上,勿裁Copy of ID / ARC Card
  6. 在學證明:請至網頁申請 http://academics.ntou.edu.tw/student/ Certificate of Enrollment
  7. 歷年在校成績單(含原始分數、名次、百分比)正本 Transcript (including the scores, ranking and percentage)
    1. 申請者如為大學部學生,請繳交全學年成績單 If the applicant is an undergraduate student, please submit your transcript for all semesters.
    2. 申請者如為碩/博士生,請繳交大學部、碩/博士之全學年成績單 If the applicant is a graduate student, please submit your transcript for all undergraduate and graduate semesters.
  8. 外國語言能力證明文件 Language Proficiency
  9. 志願序(請參考附件Program Preference Rank (Please view the reference.)
  10. 經費分析表(請參考範例Application for Scholarship (Please view the reference.)
  11.  其他申請所需相關輔助文件,如作品檔案、獲獎證明等;如經濟上有困難者,亦請提供相關證明文件 Others: You can provide any certificate to show how excellent you are to the student exchange program.

