
OIA NTOU 國立臺灣海洋大學 國際事務處

Introduction 國際事務處介紹

About OIA

Office of International Affairs

Office of International Affairs specializes in supporting international, overseas Chinese and mainland china students in achieving their educational, professional and personal objectives. Our services include scholarships, working certificates, immigration and ARC applications, National Health Insurance, orientation, executive workshop and host family domestic volunteer students, culture visiting trips, Chinese New Year gathering, and other association/ club activities.

We, the Office of International Affairs, are delighted that you have chosen to continue your education here! We look forward to welcoming you and supporting you in adjusting to the NTOU campus life and Taiwanese culture. If you have any problems or suggestions, please feel free contacting us either indirectly via (the contact information shown below), or directly by visiting our office located in New GYM (1st floor).

We wish you every success as you acquire the education and the life skills required in this interdependent world!

The OIA is responsible for the following affairs

  1. Preparation advice for new oversea Chinese and international students’ enrolment.
  2. New overseas Chinese and international students’ reception.
  3. New overseas Chinese and international students’ orientation.
  4. Oversea Chinese and international students’ visa, ARC application and extension, entry & department matters.
  5. New overseas Chinese and international students’ life counseling.
  6. Co-sponsor and support the federation of overseas Chinese and international students’ association’s activities.
  7. Oversea Chinese students’ public expense and Scholarships applications.
  8. First trial for off-campus working admission.
  9. Application for work-study job on campus.
  10. Assist oversea Committee on Overseas Chinese Education, the Overseas Compatriot Commission etc., on guidance and counseling activities matters.
  11. Overseas Chinese and international students’ meeting.
  12. Scholarship applications.
  13. Annual oversea Chinese and international cultural and food exhibition.
  14. Invitation to the family member of graduated oversea Chinese and international students attend graduation ceremony in Taiwan.





 近年來由於國際互動頻繁,至本校就讀之外籍生人數呈現快速增長之趨勢,為加強對僑生、外籍生與陸生之輔導照顧,並配合政府推展國際化教育政策,同時為協助僑外陸生適應台灣求學環境,本校於95年度暑假期間呈報教育部奉准設立「僑生及國際學生輔導組」,97年8月1日改名為國際事務組,旨在落實各項僑外陸生輔導業務,給予良善的生活照顧,慰借僑外陸生思鄉之情,協助其順利完成學業。因應教育部國際化教育政策增進國際學術交流合作,經校務會議通過於99年8月1日正式成立國際事務處,以落實本校推動邁向世界頂尖大學展計畫目標,整合國際事務推動與發展策略,積極參與海外教育展,擴大招收國際學生,增設全英語授課學程與專班,另借營造優質的國際化友善雙語校園環境,吸 引吸更 多優秀國際學生至本校修讀學位,以培育優秀國際人才,並提升學校整體學術競爭力。


  1. 常態輔導服務與協助:入學准備信息提供、新生機場接待服務、新生住宿與注冊報到、居留證、投保傷病醫療險及健保卡申辦、校園信息中英文網頁建置、校園資源介紹、國際學生新生手冊及在台生活小手冊編制、僑外陸生新生座談會等。
  2. 「國際學生接待家庭」計畫:招募本國接待家庭認識國際學生與異國文化以及進行語言文化交流。
  3. 「英文學伴」活動:招募志工辦理學伴活動,借以增進國際學生與本地學生交流與學習。
  4. 英語諮商:每周安排宿舍諮輔空間及英語諮商時段,提供國際學生生活、學習與心理諮商、生涯規劃等輔導協助。
  5. 僑生活動:僑生聯誼社迎新露營晚會,透過學長姐帶領得以及早適應在台生活。
  6. 國際學生活動:每年暑假與大台北地區國小合作辦理「多元文化領袖營」,引導小朋友接觸多元國際文化。
  7. 國際學生校際聯誼:每年辦理北區國際學生校際聯誼活動,分享各校國際學生生活經驗。
  8. 文化美食展&僑生文物美食展:由各國的國際學生與僑生准備異國文化美食攤位的園遊會,介紹各國文化風情使全校師生開拓國際視野與對多元文化之理解。
  9. 協助僑外陸生申請各項獎助學金:受理清寒僑生公費及助學金申請、初審僑外陸生校外工作許可、協助僑外陸生申請校內工讀
  10. 協辦教育部僑民教育委員會、僑務委員會……等相關單位僑外陸生輔導活動事宜
  11. 邀請應屆畢業僑外陸生家屬來台參加畢業典禮